Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SoiSong Live At YouTube: Blue @ Festival Futuro Presente

One more request for all the gods blessings on phonecia

I should have seen this one earlier. Oh well. Shortish, but quite nice. The space looks amazing!

SoiSong Blue Soundtrack (partial) Live at Festival Futuro Presente

Details from YouTube post:
"Performance multimediale con omaggio al film "Blue" di Derek Jarman e musica elettronicaIdeazione e realizzazione Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson [Coil, Throbbing Gristle] e Ivan Pavlov [COH]Festival Futuro Presente a Rovereto il 09 maggio 2008"

Please visit phonecia for other fun stuffs in which to get lost:)


wassonii said...

this video is in the comments of the most recent SoiSong blog post fro a couple of weeks ago. Also a beautiful pic from Rovereto.

Anonymous said...


wassonii said...

SoiSong has certainly gelled in a very effective manner. I really think their sounds are complementing well. Third Mind, if you will.

The Shivering Manatee said...

Best yet:

wassonii said...

thank you!