Sunday, July 6, 2008

SoiSong Live Sugar Factory Amsterdam 24 Mai 2008

Apparently no longer available through KinkFM, this originally aired 25 may 2008 on Kink's X-Rated program and was available for download at their site.
SoiSong's set begins about 8 minutes into the cast.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!
It is a great concert.I hope sleazy and Ivan will come very soon toplay live in Germany!
But I also hope for a very soon release of Coil's "Moons milk in six phases"and "Colour Sound Oblivion" and the soisong Album, of course.

Dorker Vibes said...

Hi and thanks very much for this recording!

Amo ergo sum said...

Great blog with great music and other sounds :)! When can we expect the next post?

I have added at you to my site at:
Please feel free to comment on the categories I have used to describe your blog. Also please do not hesitate to link back to my blog (would be much appreciated).

Again, many thanks for keeping the Music Blog scene worthwhile. I just love your music choice!

Keep it cool, spread the love and peace.


wassonii said...

Amo, amas, amant...
My pleasure, as always, kind one.
I'll be posting some more soon.
Busy as a bee, for sure.
I will be checking your site and linking presently. Thank you for the very kind words!
Be well!

Anonymous said...

will this blog soon be updated???????????

wassonii said...

yes, but i don't know when.
strange and wondrous things to come...

Anonymous said...

please tell me what is this first song before this DJ speaks ?

wassonii said...

Ambidexterous is the project release name from Nick Zavriev. The album is Rocket Mind. I believe this to be the title track, but I'm just going off Discogs info. I don't really know of this cat or his musicks other than as the intro to SoiSong. Hope that helps.
Discogs URL: